No matter your age, interests or budget, you’ll find something fun to do in St. Louis this weekend.
Oz Noy, Chrissi Poland, and Dave Weckl are three accomplished musicians whose artistry spans diverse genres and showcases their individual brilliance. James Genus is known for the SNL House Band and working with Herbie Hancock.
Oz Noy is a groundbreaking guitarist who blends jazz, funk, blues, and rock into a unique musical style, earning acclaim for his virtuosity and creative approach.
Chrissi Poland, a powerhouse vocalist and songwriter, combines soul, jazz, and pop influences into her emotive performances and heartfelt compositions.
Dave Weckl, a world-renowned drummer, is celebrated for his technical mastery and contributions to jazz fusion, most notably as a member of Chick Corea's Elektric Band and leader of the Dave Weckl Band.
James Genus began on guitar at age six and switched to bass at 13. He studied at Virginia Commonwealth University from 1983 to 1987 where he studied under jazz great Ellis Marsalis (father of Branford, Wynton and Delfeayo). Receiving a degree in jazz studies, he later moved to New York and played and recorded acoustic and electric bass for some of the biggest talents in jazz.
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