St. Louis Arts Chamber of Commerce

Museums & GalleriesTheater & Performing Arts


The Arts Chamber is a network of artists in all media from around the region, with individuals to large organizations exploring, innovating and changing how we interact. From drawing to dance, storytelling to theater and fiber arts to sculpture with everything in between, St. Louis is rich in creative expression. Set in a region with deep roots in many cultures, artists are active in promoting a variety of views sometimes in conflict but often working together. From individual expression to social activism, the arts are creating solutions by creating awareness and discussion. Our area wide calendar is a one stop source including events from many of the arts and cultural programs in the area. Search it by day, week, month or even type of event to find just the right activities for you and your family. Whether looking for something to do this weekend or planning for visitors from out of town for the holidays, you will find lots of options in unique places.

1511 Mason Hill Ct.
St. Louis, MO 63131

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